The Safeguarding Commission is made up of the Safeguarding Advisory Board, the Head of Safeguarding, the Safeguarding Office, and the Safeguarding Review Board.
The Safeguarding Advisory Board is composed of six experienced professionals, including a paediatrician, psychiatrist, social workers, a canon lawyer and a warranted clinical psychologist. They are assisted by a lawyer.
The Head of Safeguarding is responsible for overseeing the Safeguarding Office. He also serves as the primary liaison with the Maltese Episcopal Conference and the Conference of Major Religious Superiors, and is the direct link between all Church Entities, the statutory authorities and the Safeguarding Commission. He coordinates with the Ordinary to ensure that the wellbeing of the Subject of Complaint is maintained.
The Safeguarding Office is formed of a group of professionals subdivided in three different teams. These teams are the Prevention and Training Team, the Victim Care and Advocacy Team and the Investigation and Assessment Team.
The Safeguarding Review Board is composed of three members and an administrator, set up by the Maltese Episcopal Conference to be used on an ad hoc basis. Safeguarding Review Board – Maltese Ecclesiastical Province (srb.mt)