21-24 February 2019, Rome
Introduction by Holy Father Pope Francis
Testimony of victims and survivors
Video Testimonies Transcript
The bridge that made a difference – Testimony
21 February 2019: Responsibility
2nd PRESENTATION S.E. Mons. Charles Jude Scicluna:
Church as field hospital. Taking responsibility
22 February 2019: Accountability
1st PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Oswald Gracias:
Collegiality: sent together
2nd PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Blase Joseph Cupich:
Synodality: jointly responsible
3rd PRESENTATION Dott.ssa Linda Ghisoni:
Communio: to work together
23 February 2019: Transparency
1st PRESENTATION Sup. Gen. Sr. Veronica Openibo, SHCJ:
Openess: sent out into the world
2nd PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Reinhard Marx:
Transparency in a community of believers
3rd PRESENTATION Dott.ssa Valentina Alazraki:
Communication: to all people
Conclusion by Holy Father Pope Francis